Thoughts on fashion, beauty and tips on becoming a Domestic Goddess on the way

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Independent women

My mum has taught me a lot about expressing and believing in myself. She is a great strong, independent women who inspires me day to day.

When I was little she would be often heard on her sewing machine. Buying all sorts of fabrics and turning it into little dresses and suits to die for. Looking back I wish I kept them.

Mine and mums relationship is simples...
Talking endlessly about our next purchase and what's on our 'wish list'. Endlessly convincing each other that in fact 'A Mulberry is definitely an investment'.
I love listening to the outfits she'd wear, how 'it all comes back round'. She'd save up her money and spend it in Jigsaw and Hobbs. God I wish she kept it all!

                                       And this is where I learnt to invest in Classics.


                                          'Navy Blazer' uniform for work.

                                      Patent 'Classic Louboutins' can never date.


                    Loafers, Skinnys and a Trench same old but my favourites.

                         Classic stripes with a glass of wine at Shoreditch House.

With Love

Olivia Jane x


Thursday 3 July 2014

Domestic Goddess Tip Three: removing stains from handbags.

Domestic Goddess Tip three: removing stains from handbags.

Got a grease stain on your clutch bag from the wine bar last night?
Try lighter fluid (gently dabbing it on the areas). Can buy from most convenience stores. 

With love

Olivia Jane x

Something isn't right...

I recently woke up one morning and thought i'am cheating myself. 

My job 'isn't me', I want to achieve more, I want to push myself and challenge myself. I have always been happier when I'am working against a challenge and juggling all sorts. So why did I stop that? I'am  going into this role everyday because it is 'what I should be doing'.

So I did it. I resigned. I have left a good company, a very well paid role, a great set of work colleagues and jumped from this very stable position into what felt like the abyss. And I feel on top of the world because of it. Solidly for at least a month I applied and applied and applied. For anything along as it is in where i want to be.. Fashion (of course). After four weeks of working my notice, applying for roles, going on holiday, attending several interviews all over England and feeling like superwoman (a very tired superwoman emotionally and physically). 
I have finally got to a place I want to be, need to be and thrive in being. 

   My generous colleagues spoilt me with leaving presents....   

Monday, I start a new role working in Whitechapel, London as a Marketing and Sales Intern for Hemyca. Yes the dreaded 'internship' in which pay isn't an option. However I cannot wait. If it means less time in Zara and Whistles because of it. So be it! I feel a great wave of excitement, a new chapter in my life story, new people and influences. 

I will keep you updated!

Love Olivia Jane x